So great you are here Huw, sharing your brilliant approach to all things growing. I love it hereand I hope it works for you too

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Thanks so much Mark, I've been really enjoying your posts about abundance, beautifully written and spoken! Chat soon

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loving it too!

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It is the most exciting thing....

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Jul 31Liked by Huw Richards

Happy to follow you Huw on whatever platform you choose.

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Thank you Adam!

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Jul 31Liked by Huw Richards

So admire you Huw and all your hard work and willingness to share your gardening gifts of knowledge and practice.. Im a 70yr old veggie baby gardener/learner. Love permeculture philosphy so here goes. Bye, bye You Tube. I already knew substack.

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Thats so lovely of you to share Janet, thank you very much! You are in for a treat if you love permaculture philosophy - plenty of that en route!

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Fantastic to see you on what is now my favourite online space!

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It seems like it is the place to be from what I gather! Thank you so much!

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Welcome, Huw! Interesting to hear that's also happening with YT. I think many people left Instagram for similar reasons. It's really nice here ☺️

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Ahh thanks Leyla, so great to see you are also here, and that you are enjoying it :D

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Jul 31Liked by Huw Richards

This is also a great opportunity to support you directly financially, besides buying your excellent books. Looking forward to your new endeavors!

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That is very kind thank you Joseph!

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Jul 31Liked by Huw Richards

Welcome to Substack, Huw! 👋 It’s pretty great here - you’ll love it.

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Thanks Mark, certainly seems like it!

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Jul 31Liked by Huw Richards

Yay! So glad to see you! I can follow your posts and recipes! Excellent 🌼🦋

Edward x

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Yes I really hope you enjoy them Edwards thank you! :)

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Welcome Huw!

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Thank you so much! Excited to be here!

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Welcome Huw - SO EXCITED you are here!

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I really appreciate that Jo thank you!

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Hi Huw! Happy to see you on Substack. I love the pace and vibes here. I am curious though, when you say you will be relaunching your YouTube, what does that mean for the content you already have there? I often will go back and watch though your backlog of videos and reference them. My top favorite of yours is “The Simple 1% Rule.” Every time I am feeling discouraged and overwhelmed in my garden I reference it for a spot of encouragement. Thanks for putting out great content! 🙌🏻

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Hi Amy, nothing will be happening to my back catalogue, it will very much remain! I am just going to be shifting to a new style :) I am so glad you enjoy that video, really appreciate the feedback! Best wishes

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Jul 31Liked by Huw Richards

I’ve been following you on YouTube for a long time and now I’m following you to here- never knew about this space before! Love your approach and voice (written and spoken), so I’m glad to find you wherever you are Huw. Thanks!

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Thank you Heather, a warm welcome and I hope you enjoy it :)

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Aug 1Liked by Huw Richards

Bravo! Your thoughtful planning is very attractive to me. Thank you for this shift.

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You are most welcome!

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Enjoy substack - as one who can't be bothered to watch videos, it great to see you stepping into the substack space

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Jul 31Liked by Huw Richards

A warm welcome from Canada. It’s been in the 30 degree Celsius range for the last while. Never heard of Substack before. So far so good. I managed to get the app and it’s working. Looking forward to seeing how this will all work.

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Ahh thanks Tanya and it is great to have you here!

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Saying goodbye to all dictating algorithms.

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