heyy! i would like to share some info that could help with the garden digging done by foxes (as someone asked about this). i read in a permaculture book that donkeys are a good repellant for foxes. so maybe thinking about adopting a donkey if you have problems with predators:). also, after a quick search on google it says that goats also scare away foxes. hope this helps & thanks for the live huw ❄️

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Bummed I missed out. What do you do with medlar? Last season, I saw this tree in the yard that had little fruits and Google lens suggested that it's a medlar. I have zero experience with medlar and forgot about it til you mentioned it! I'm probably too late for harvesting this year. This main thing I see on Google is making jelly...

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I have them with yogurt. Once you get over the pip situation, the ripe/bletted fruit scooped out of the skin is delicious. Such a beautiful looking fruit too.

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Gardening book - James Wong’s Home Grown Revolution. He fell off my radar several years ago and when I rediscovered his books I couldn’t believe how useful / accessible they are.

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Excitement (quickly followed by overwhelm then paralysis).

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Kia ora Huw...NZ flax or harakeke will be a great resource. Multiple uses... Good for low level wind break, border plant, good food source for nectar feeders and can weave it to make so many things! Keep up the great work. 🌻

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There is an edible dogwood, Kousa. I just grew the seeds 2 years ago. Proved a bit tender where i am and only have 2 trees left, out of 11 seedlings. (West Coast Canada) Zone 8b

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Hi, as regards foxes. Here in Hertfordshire foxes live on our allotment site. They tend to dig up new plantings that have fresher manure. They maybe are looking for worms. When I switched to adding manure/compost in the autumn and not in the planting holes as well they stopped. Hope this helps.

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