Huw, this gardening content is JUST what I've been longing for on Substack - the What to Sow is super-helpful and I'll be ordering those seeds. I can't wait to read your weekly updates - and to see that recipe next week!

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Oh well I am so pleased that you are enjoying it! I want it to be as helpful as possible. Thanks Jo!

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Aug 1Liked by Huw Richards

Hi Huw I was wondering how the “treat your tomatoes mean and leave alone” was going. I took your advice and I think it’s going very well. But I have little to compare as I used to grow in the poly tunnel up the mountain, but I didn’t get round to maintaining it enough so minimal results! I got a free greenhouse this year and put it right outside my bedroom, so those really useful 10 mins moments happen frequently during the day. The greenhouse seems abundant and joyful

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Hi Emma, the tomatoes are most happy! I will post an update either next week or the week after with a more indepth review as there have been some interesting observations. Oh wow a free greenhouse sounds most wonderful ;)

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Jul 31Liked by Huw Richards

This is soo fun! I just found you on YouTube. I have followed Jo Thompson since she started on Substack two -thee years ago. So now I follow two people here! Love what I have seen so far and your books are on my whishlist for next time I go to UK. Hope you get many followers here so we have a big community that loves permaculture and growing as much food as we can! Substack is great!

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Hi Eva!! Awh thank you so much! I am honoured to be the second person you are following on this fantastic platform! Oh that is very kind thank you, and yes permaculture is absolutely going to be a core focus here. Best wishes, Huw

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Hi Eva! Isn't this EXCITING?!

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My son is into permaculture and I hope to get a proper kitchen garden/cutting garden in the future so I think I can learn a lot. I just found Huw a couple of weeks ago on YouTube but he felt so solid and as my cooking is not my strong suit it sounded like a very good idea to get some recepies as well! Rhubarb Rhubarb to you my friend 😘

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Hi Huw, super excited about your newsletter. I’m a newbie gardener, working in my local community garden. Particularly interested in the skills section. Just off the top of my head I’d love to hear what you think are the key skills beginners must learn. In particular sowing, cutting back, thinning out, repotting (when and how), pruning, garden planning etc can’t wait to see what comes up l! Anna

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Hey Anna! Thank you so much! Okay great thank you for letting me know, I may do a beginner skills resource base for people to access in that case too! Best wishes

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Jul 31Liked by Huw Richards

Wonderful and exciting! I would love to know more about journaling for keeping up with growing in the garden 🙏🏻

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Absolutely! Thanks so much Kathryn!

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Jul 31Liked by Huw Richards

Hi Huw

We have a hectare in Melbourne and been following your channel for 2 years now. You have inspired me to make our kitchen garden into a sustainable garden which we enjoy so much more now. Thank you for your inspiring garden and entertainment

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Hi Kiren! Oh wow that is so so lovely! If you ever have any pictures to share please do send them over!

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Brilliant that you have moved to Substack - it’s a really lovely environment after the hell of general social media. I am a complete beginner in growing food (and not an experienced lawn and flowerbeds gardener - just potter along with what I have inherited from previous owners).

I have a small suburban garden 65ft c 35ft, but about a third of that is my patio and path around the house. So I will have to give up my lawn to create a growing area. I’m interested in how to do this in a manner where I’m converting enough lawn into a growing area. Willing to convert all of it, but it feels like I would be overwhelmed by doing it all, all at once.

So some information on how to assess small growing areas, how to plan as a beginner for the balance between sufficient productivity and not ending up overwhelmed by the upkeep and the learning process, would be marvellous.

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I’m in a small town in rural Essex, BTW, so it’s dry!

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Thanks for the inspiration Huw, I must admit I never knew dahlia flowers were edible - I’d love to know how you use them 🌱

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This is great. I’m curious what you do with your edible flowers? In particular HollyHocks. I’ve got more of those than I’d ever know what to do with!

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What an INCREDIBLE start. We are planning on doing up our garden, back to it's glory of a few years ago, when I had more time to do it ... and this newsletter is exactly what I need to read, to get me in the mood for it, thank you!

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Just bought your book and was pleased to discover your Youtube channel which has lots of brilliant videos but Youtube can be overwhelming (where to start!?) so I'm even more excited that you are on Substack and so looking forward to a weekly newsletter!

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Hi, Huw! Looking forward very much to reading your new journal! Can you point me to any guidance on what to do with weeds and their seeds, and diseased plant material? Drown them to make plant feed - how? Dry them and incinerate? I’m not confident that my compost gets hot enough to kill seeds etc. Thank you!

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So exciting, quality over quantity and this post was just what I needed to prepare for the Autumn months. ☺️

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Praying the best to you and your “new” venture!! I am really looking forward to seeing this develop.

I have learned so much from you, and thoroughly enjoy watching your work. I am hoping to get knowledge, inspiration, and insight into starting a “permaculture” or food forest of my own, here in Georgia, USA. Very different climate: usually 99% humidity and very high temperatures from June through mid-September. Wish me luck, my gardening skills have not been very good so far😣

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Having bought your three books this past spring, it's a joy to see your journal in Substack. I love the structure of your books, the refreshing new take (and step by step, month by month!) on gardening, using raised beds efficiently, learning about permaculture...

Very interested in the hot beds project, after getting your specially designed seed trays here in Ireland.

Also, it would be fantastic to learn how to build useful vertical margins, making the most of that space as well as encouraging wildlife and native plants.

Many thanks for your passion, Huw, it's sort of infectious 🌸👩🏻‍🌾🙏🏻

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Hi Huw - great start to the newsletter. I have a full size plot in North West England growing a mix of fruit, veg and flowers. I have a love for something unusual - been growing quinoa, ground chestnut and having a go at turmeric .

I’d like some tips on what to do with far too many blackberries/pears or whatever else is overwhelming me at that time!

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