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Carrot Tricks, Tomato Trees & No Rules Planting | Huw's Garden Diaries #2

Plus highlights from my permaculture kitchen garden, and a new wooden bridge!

A newer format.

You may have noticed that there was no journal this week.

Well, out of respect to your email inbox, I felt that for the weeks where there is a release of Huw’s Garden Diaries, I would combine the journal element as to not spam you - whilst hopefully making that one email even offer even more value to you.

Quick note: The text at the start was meant to say that the following night after filming this my parents who are inland had frost. We JUST missed it thanks to being more coastal.

If Huw’s Garden Diaries becomes a weekly happening, which is something I would very much love to happen and is becoming increasingly possible thanks to your support, then the journal and diaries would merge together.

Would it need a new name? The Dournals? I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

If you want to support my work here on Substack (and in the garden) and access exclusive paid content such as my seasonal garden recipes, the community chat and additional writings, you can do for less than £1 a week:

My upcoming trip to Devon, Sussex, and Hampshire

Next week is crammed with some very exciting filming visits, for both the Inspiring Gardens series and my passion project Regenerative Films. I start my trip in Devon, Totnes to be precise, and then will be over in Sussex for a couple of days including my author supper at Knepp, and then on the return journey back to Wales I will be speaking at the amazing Worthy Earth Festival in Hampshire. Tickets for the festival are available here.

I will be taking plenty of photos of course, and the next journal will be a photographic journey of the main part of the trip, sharing my favourite captures and snippets of who I’ve been to visit, all the things I’ve been learning about, and what I think might also inspire you the most!

Image below: It is feeling a lot more autumnal suddenly, but the garden is full of of colours and textures

Skill of the week

If you feel you have run out of/missed the opportunity to do succession sowings of crops to replace your summer undercover crops like tomatoes when they are removed, then fear not. A few years back I discovered this lovely technique that allows you to move plants that you already have growing outside, into your polytunnel, and create this amazing winter jungle. I made a video about it which you can watch here.

What to Sow

Latest what to sow list

An invitation

The Wales Permaculture Festival/Gŵyl Paramaethu Cymru is taking place at the end of the month! On the Saturday morning, I will be giving the following talk:

Permaculture: The Art of Hope - Huw Richards explores the harmonious blend of logical, creative, and optimistic thinking that makes up permaculture, and why open dialogue and diversity of thought is essential to create the world we wish to live in.

There are still a few tickets left for the festival, and so if you can make it to the incredible Three Pools Permaculture Farm in Monmouthshire, South East Wales on the 27th-29th of September, then it would be great to see you there!

Wales Permaculture Festival

Right, time for me to get on with clearing SD cards and charging batteries, but have the most wonderful weekend, and I really hope you enjoy watching the second diaries video.

Best wishes, Huw

PS - Winner! - Also a huge congratulations to Michael Crawford for winning a free ticket to my next permaculture kitchen gardening course by taking part in the competition on my video about stacking functions!

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